Rant Monday, August 17, 1987 A.C. Rant ÍÛÛThe Habitat WeeklyÛÛÛÎ ÜÚ```` ` ` ` `````ÚÜ ÜÚ` ` ` ` `` ` ` ÚÜ ÜÚ```` ````` ` ` ` ` ÚÜ ÜÚ` ` ` ` ` `` ` ÚÜ ÜÚ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ÚÜ ÐÛÛVolume 1, Number 1ÛÛÛÏ Page Welcome to Habitat 2 Things to DO...........................3 News of the Day 5 Ads / Publishing policy................7 1
EDITORIAL -- WELCOME! Welcome to Habitat! We're sure you're going to have a terrific time! This is the very first edition of the "Weekly Rant", the Habitat newspaper. The Rant is your official source for the most up-to-date news and information about the Habitat world. Here you will find the latest pronouncements from the Oracle, notices of important changes to the world as they happen, and a timely accounting of the Avatars and events that shape our lives. 2
THINGS TO DO IN HABITAT Congratulations! You're one of the Habitat pioneers. When you get done wandering around your Turf, picking things up and putting them away again, changing the color of your furniture, fiddling with the lights, and generally learning how things work, you're probably going to ask yourself, "So, what do I do here?" A good way to start getting yourself oriented is to learn how to use the TelePort network. In order to TelePort you'll need cash, so you'll have to find 3
a Bank and learn to use the Automatic Token Machine. To find a Bank you'll need to find the business district, which'll get you out exploring the world. Be sure to take note of your street address the first time you step out front of your house -- you'll want to be able to find your way back! Visit the shops downtown. Head on down to the Oracle and see who's hanging out. Be friendly! And keep your eye out for clues. Even though the world is just getting started, there's already a few adventures awaiting you! 4
AMULET OF SALESH STILL MISSING! Today, the thieves in the now famous "Great Amulet Caper" were found guilty of Grand Theft Magic, and sentenced to 5 years in The Void. In pronouncing the sentence to a hushed, packed courtroom, Judge Themonioli was solemn. "Zap'em 'til they glow!" he said, "let the Oracle sort'em out! Next case!" The story began last week when the Great Amulet of Wonderous Worth was stolen from the Back-Forty home of Habitat's resident Not-So-Wise-Man, Dada Salesh. 5
Salesh, a powerful but clumsy wizard, tried to retrieve the valuable trinket with a homing-return spell, but his attempt backfired. Instead of recovering the stolen property, Salesh accidentally Ported the thieves themselves to his house. Although this resulted in the thieves' immediate capture, the Amulet is still missing. All attempts by officials to extract information from the evil-doers have been in vain. It is feared that the Amulet may remain forever lost. 6
---------------------------------------- A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Why live dangerously? A public service announcement from the Populopolis Public Library, Downtown ---------------------------------------- The Weekly Rant is published every Monday by the Rant'n'Rave Free Press Propaganda Publishing Co., Ltd., Populopolis. Mail article submissions, paid advertisements, letters to the editor and anonymous threats to "WEEKLY RANT". Editor: Osgood. Publisher: SPBLives.