History of Teleport:                    
 The teleport was invented by the great 
tinkerer avatar Foontrafian Subtrax. It 
took many years to perfect the          
technique, and many a test animal was   
lost to the void. It is still rumored   
to this day that, when the conditions   
are JUST RIGHT when teleporting, an     
avatar may end up with animal parts in  
place of his normal limbs and/or head.  
Rest assured that this is ONLY a rumor. 
Reguardless of the rumored risks, the   
teleport has become the single most     
valued addition to the universe,        
opening whole vista's of places to      
explore. THANK YOU Foontrafian!         

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  How a Port address is chosen:         
Most often, all teleport booths are     
registered in the Teleport-Book,        
published in every major city. There    
are some standards loosely adhered to   
when generating a port address:         
Where         Style                     
------------  ---------------           
Streets       City-Streetname           
Intersection  City-Streetname Cross     
Downtown      City-'Downtown'/'Plaza'   
Forests       Nickname                  
Islands       Ilename                   
Deserts       Why would you care?!      

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'City-' is the three letter City Prefix 
If omitted, local city is assumed.      
People have been known to spend large   
amounts of money to buy personal        
booths and NOT register them. These     
booths usually have customized          
addresses that have personal meaning    
to the owner (so the address is not     

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