Populopolis Teleport Directory     
         November 15, 1987 A.C.         
General instructions for the Populopolis
     teleport system..............page 2
Instructions for using the Habitat      
     teleport booths..............page 5
Teleport addresses for Downtown         
     Populopolis..................page 8
Teleport addresses for Populopolis      
     residential areas............page 9
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----------General Instructions----------
     Teleports are usually addressed by 
the streets or intersections at which   
the booths are placed.                  
     A booth at the mid-point of a      
residential street will generally be    
named after that street, while booths at
the ends of streets are usually named by
the street name and together with the   
direction from the mid-point to that    
end.  For example, the teleport at the  
center of Baker St. is "Baker St", while
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---- General Instructions continued ----
the 'ports at either end of this street 
are "Baker St East" and "Baker St West" 
respectively.  Streets that run         
north-south would have correspondingly  
named booths at their ends.             
     Teleport addresses also contain    
area codes that indicate the city or    
zone in which the booths reside.  The   
area code is separated from the rest of 
the address by a "-" character.  The    
area code for Populopolis is "Pop", so  
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---- General Instructions continued ----
the full name of the Baker St. teleport,
for example, is "Pop-Baker St".         
However, you do not need to type the    
area code yourself unless you are making
a long-distance 'port to another city   
(that is, to a destination that has a   
different area code from the booth from 
which you are departing).               
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------Teleport Booth Instructions-------
     Habitat Teleport booths are coin   
operated.  It costs $10 to make a local 
'port.  A long distance 'port costs more
(the exact price depends on how far you 
are travelling).                        
     To use a teleport booth, you must  
first ACTIVATE it by putting money into 
it.  Hold a token of denomination $10 or
more in your hand, point at the booth   
with your cursor, and choose the PUT    
command.  The booth will indicate that  
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--Teleport Booth Instructions continued-
it is active by flashing the lightning- 
bolt logo painted on its side.          
     Once the booth is activated, simply
point at the booth with your cursor and 
then type the teleport address of your  
desired destination (followed by a      
RETURN).  If for some reason the        
teleport system cannot take you where   
you wish to go (the most common reason  
is a typo in the address), it will      
display a message telling you what the  
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--Teleport Booth Instructions continued-
problem is.  If such a problem occurs,  
the booth will remain active and you can
try again with a different address.     
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-Downtown Populopolis Teleport Addresses
Downtown   Corner of Skid Row & Broadway
Uptown     Corner of 42nd & Maine Sts.  
Help       A teleport help info region  
Plaza NE   NE corner of Oracle Plaza    
Plaza NW   NW corner of Oracle Plaza    
Plaza SE   SE corner of Oracle Plaza    
Plaza SW   SW corner of Oracle Plaza    
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-Populopolis Residential 'Port Addresses
Baker St            EZ St               
Baker St East       EZ St North         
Baker St West       EZ St South         
Bleem St                                
Bleem St North      Fast Ln             
                    Fast Ln North       
Dice Ave            Fast Ln South       
Dice Ave North      Foon Ave            
Dice Ave South                          
Disk Dr             Hyper Dr            
Disk Dr North       Hyper Dr North      
Disk Dr South       Hyper Dr South      
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-Populopolis Residential 'Port Addresses
Janice Ln North     Outamy Wy North     
Janice Ln South     Outamy Wy South     
Kerner              Pam Pl              
Kludge Ct North     Pokey Pl            
Kludge Ct South     Pokey Pl East       
                    Pokey Pl West       
Lori Ln East                            
                    Randy Rd            
Milky Wy            Randy Rd East       
Milky Wy South      Randy Rd West       
                    Road St             
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-Populopolis Residential 'Port Addresses
Road St North       Sunday Dr           
Road St South       Sunday Dr East      
Rocky Rd            Sunday Dr West      
Rocky Rd West                           
                    This Way            
Saint St East       This Way East       
Saint St West       This Way West       
Spiff Ln            Wacka Rd            
Spiff Ln West       Wacka Rd East       
Street Rd           Wacka Rd West       
Street Rd Nor       Warp Dr North       
Street Rd South     Warp Dr South       
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