Using a teleporter requires tokens, so  
you must first GET tokens out of your   
pocket and then place your cursor on the
teleporter. While your cursor is still  
on the elevator perform a PUT command.  
Upon inserting a token you should hear  
a brief sound indicating success. Make  
sure your avatar is inside the teleport 
and that your cursor is placed on the   
teleporter itself. Now, type in '42nd'  
or 'plaza' and press RETURN. Typing in  
'home' will also take you to your       
own private turf.
top index
          THE PHONE HOME BOOK           
Hyper Dr Cross: pop-hyperdrive          
Hyper Dr North End: pop-hyperdrivenorth 
Hyper Dr South End: pop-hyperdrivesouth 
Outamy Wy Cross: pop-outamyway          
Outamy Wy North End: pop-outamywaynorth 
Outamy Wy South End: pop-outamywaysouth 
Road St Cross: pop-roadstreet           
Road St North End: pop-roadstreetnorth  
Road St South End: pop-roadstreetsouth  
Street Rd Cross: pop-streetroad         
Street Rd North End: pop-streetroadnorth
Street Rd South End: pop-streetroadsouth

top index